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Your search yielded 208 images
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The harvesting of a honey board during the day...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The flowers begin to bloom at the end of...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
In the foliage, Hamsah and his brother Boni...
Honey Bees-resarch-sc...TIF
Prof. Martin Guirfa in front of a diagram of a...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The harvesting of a honey board during the day...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The making of honey boards or tikung in the...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
In the middle of the day, the bees are chased...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Suriadi, from the association APDS, leaves for...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The day after the harvest, in the village of...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...TIF
Boni, Hamsah's brother, is a daring climber who...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Hamsah and his brother Boni in the middle of...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Portrait of Pak Hamsah with his harvesting...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...TIF
Hamsah and his brother Boni cut the honey from...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...TIF
The moonless nights of December to March:...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
An indigenous village along a forest...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Ceremonies are carried out to celebrate...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
In the early morning following a stormy night...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Balancing on a branch 40 metres above the...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
At the APDS association's premises, Suriadi, 29...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The making of honey boards or tikung in the...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
A lalau with several bees nests. Some trees can...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
A dozen men from Pak Hamsah's family...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
The Catholic missionary, Father Lucien Fabre,...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
In Pokola, the forest city between the...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
In a Marantaceae forest, the honey-hunters...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
On the laterite track, the children play a type...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Following the harvest, the joy of honey....
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
In the forest, a woman gathers together the...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
A honey-hunter climbs a tree encircled by...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Preparation of a sauce with Koko leaves. These...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Scene at the camp. As opposed to the Bantus...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Portrait of a woman at the camp. The tattoos,...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Surrounded by bees, the honey-hunter balancing...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
A team of honey-hunters have just spotted the...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
The dental mutilation among pygmies and Bantu...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Surrounded by the smoke that occupies the bees,...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Honey is important in the department of...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
At over 40 metres above the ground, the...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
In the village of Leboyan, the mosque in the...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
On his 52-years-old pirogue, Suharjo, fisherman...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Portrait of a young man with a honey board. An...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
At the APDS association's premises, Suriadi...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Portrait of Suriadi, 29 years old, member of...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Portrait of Suriadi, 29 years old, member of...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Suriadi, from the association APDS, leaves for...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The villagers in the lake region of Sentarum...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Apis dorsata bees on their brood.///Abeilles...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Portrait of a beekeeper with a tikung with a...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The day after the harvest, in the village of...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
In a clearing not far from the tree, Hamsah and...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The Datu Nahar lalau beneath a starry night...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
A nest of Apis dorsata. The white parts...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Hamsah and his brother Boni are the only...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Eric Tourneret
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
The women catch the basket full of honey, the...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
A man at the foot of an enormous mahogany tree...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Balancing on a branch 40 metres above the...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
: Meat from the bush in a traditional basket....
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
In the forest, a woman drinks water from a...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
The end of the day at the camp is devoted to...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
A young girl with her basket, the “Ykoua”, on...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
A difficult climb for this honey-hunter who,...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
At the camp, preparation of the evening meal....
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
In the forest, the honey-hunters have an...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Basket for the honey slung over his shoulder, a...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Surrounded by “Libolis” trees, the camp of...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Another climbing technique consists in climbing...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
In the evening at the camp, the people talk to...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
The honey-hunters have put the morning honey...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
A “coma”, nest of stingless bees, has just...
Honey Bees-Africanize...tif
The entomologist David Roubik of the...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The harvesting of a honey board during the day...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
In the middle of the day, the bees are chased...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The honey comb is cut cleanly. The honey...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The boards are set up on the branches of the...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Scenes of daily life in the fishing village of...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...TIF
Clinging to his branch, Boni smokes a bee...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Hamsah and his brother Boni are the only...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Seated on the same branch, Hamsah and his...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Boni, advancing along a branch, holds in his...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Hamsah, perched on a branch one meter from a...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Hanging on a branch, a swarm of Apis Dorsata...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...TIF
Boni, Hamsah's brother, is a daring climber who...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...TIF
In the foliage, Hamsah and his brother Boni...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Boni, Hamsah's brother, is a daring climber who...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Hamsah and his brother Boni in the middle of...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...TIF
Boni, Hamsah's brother, is a daring climber who...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...TIF
Hamsah and his brother Boni cut the honey from...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Hamsah and his brother Boni regularly take...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
Portrait of Pak Hamsah and his friends in front...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...tif
The Danau Sentarum National Park in the...
Giants-Honey Bees- Hu...TIF
In the foliage, Hamsah and his brother Boni...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Portrait of a honey-hunter looking at the top...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
The basket of honey is lowered with a...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
A man is preparing a net for the hunt. The big...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
. In the N’Bensele clan, the best way to find a...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Man and honey. The N’Bensele are big consumers...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
The wild pepper is gathered by the N’Bensele...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
In the evening at the camp, the people talk to...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
The end of the day at the camp is devoted to...