Search Results
Your search yielded 24 images
Honey bees-comb-vibra...tif
Close-up of a bee with its legs in the wax. The...
Honey Bees legs0145.tif
Honey Bees-resarch-sc...tif
Assemblage of images created with the montage...
Honeybee foraging pol...tif
A bee in a prickly pear cactus flower gathers...
Honeybee foraging pol...tif
A bee in a prickly pear cactus flower gathers...
Honeybee with a crab ...tif
A bee encounters a Thomisidae hidden in a field...
Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy...tif
Another climbing technique consists in climbing...
In the honeypot ants' chambers. The repletes...
In the honeypot ants' chambers. The repletes...
Honeybee on flowers01...tif
A honeybee at work, its legs full of pollen....
Honey Bees-Births007.tif
The birth of a bee rapidly unfolds. After...
A honeybee at work, its legs full of pollen....
Honeybee predators001.tif
The dangers of gathering nectar from the...
The very small Friseomelitta sp bees are flying...
The very small Friseomelitta sp bees are flying...
Honeybee on flowers04...tif
A giant bee with some pollen on her legs and a...
The very small Friseomelitta sp bees are flying...
One of the very small Tetragonisca angustula...
Giorgio Venturieri in front of an open hive of...
Honey Bees-Guardians0...tif
A guard on the flight board, braced on its hind...
Honey Bees-Queen-beek...tif
The pearly-white egg measures 1.5mm in length...
Always building from the top down, bees hang...
One of the very small Tetragonisca angustula...
Honey Bees-Microscope...TIF
Detail of the hind leg of a bee appearing as a...