Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy012.tif

Surrounded by bees, the honey-hunter balancing on the tree trunk plunges his hand into the nest to harvest the honeycombs. In the N’Bensele clan, the best way to find a wife in the camp is to give her honey. A man has to know how to climb and not be afraid of stings.///Entouré d’abeilles, le chasseur en équilibre sur le tronc de l’arbre plonge sa main dans le nid pour récolter les galettes de miel. Dans le clan N’Bensélé, la meilleure façon de trouver une femme dans un campement c’est de lui offrir du miel. Un homme doit savoir grimper et ne pas avoir peur des piqures des abeilles.
©Eric Tourneret
Honey, honeybee, beekeeping, insect, animal, forest, diversity, sweat, color, honey, picture, Apis mellifera, amazing, apiculture, abeilles, colonies, multitudes, canopy, Congo Brazzaville, Pygmy, people, nation, Nbaka, baka, ethnic group, hunter-gatherers, rainforest, Mbenga, Africa, African rainforest, Congo basin, Congo, slaves, pygmies, deforestation, discrimination, Humain rights, Indigenous peoples, native, nomadic, Forest gardening, foraging, Photos stock, The bee photographer, Eric Tourneret, beekeeping, apiculture, beehives