Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy062.tif

An exceptional harvest of several kilos of honey from the trunk of an oil palm. Today, the oil palms are planted around the villages by the Bantu farmers following slash-and-burn and we can also find them near the camps of pygmies who consume them and thus scatter the fruit and seeds in the forest.///Récolte exceptionnelle de plusieurs kilos de miel dans le tronc d’un palmier à huile. Les palmiers à huile sont aujourd’hui plantés autour des villages par les fermiers bantous après les brulis et l’on en trouve également près des campements pygmées qui le consomment et ainsi dispersent les fruits et les graines en forêt.
©Eric Tourneret
Honey, honeybee, beekeeping, insect, animal, forest, diversity, sweat, color, honey, picture, Apis mellifera, amazing, apiculture, abeilles, colonies, multitudes, canopy, Congo Brazzaville, Pygmy, people, nation, Nbaka, baka, ethnic group, hunter-gatherers, rainforest, Mbenga, Africa, African rainforest, Congo basin, Congo, slaves, pygmies, deforestation, discrimination, Humain rights, Indigenous peoples, native, nomadic, Forest gardening, foraging, Photos stock, The bee photographer, Eric Tourneret, beekeeping, apiculture, beehives