
Brazil, State of Pará, near Bragança. Mr. Roque, 68 years old, beekeeping farmer, keeps twenty-odd hives of Melipona fasciculata bees. Here with his grandson José in front of an open hive. This specie is aboutof the same size as the Western honeybee, but black with white stripes.
©Eric Tourneret
Amazon; river; stinglessbee; diversity; color picture; photography; honey bee; honeybee; hive; zootechnic; Embrapa; scientist; research; Embrapa; beekeeping; apiculture; animal; colony; insect; multiple animals; beehive; wax; pure wax; nature; diversity; nectar; pollen; pollination; nature; melipona bee; development; rural; forest; farmers; biology, Brazil, beehive, Rio Para, Melipona, beehive, small hive, beekeeping, honeybee, beekeepers, young and older, beekeeping, honeybee, amazon, biodiversity, apiculture, farmers, development, honeybee, stingless, stingless honeybee, boat, Brazil, river, family