Honey Bees-Log Hives-Cameroon055.tif

Honey combs in an abandoned termites’ nest. Children play an important role in finding the colonies. The whole family takes part in the harvest of the honeycombs, which will be transported in banana leaves before extracting the honey.
©Eric Tourneret
Cameroon, Adamawa, river, honeybee, apis mellifera, african honeybee, diversity, color picture, photography, honey bee, honeybee, hive, loghive, beekeeping, apiculture, animal, colony, insect, multiple animals, beehive, wax, nature, diversity, nectar, pollen, pollination, nature, development, rural, forest, farmers, biology, trees, honey hunters, hunters, gatherers, bush, forest gallery, accrobatic, Photos stock, The bee photographer, Eric Tourneret, beekeeping, apiculture, beehive, apis mellifera