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In the City, with, in the background, 30 St Mary Axe, the skyscraper designed by Norman Foster and Partners for Swiss Re, the urban beekeeper Brian Mc Callum is inspecting a hive on the roof of Sir John Cass Primary School. He and his sidekick John, the school's gardener, take care of a hive in the hanging garden of this kindergarten and primary school. Brian is a pro-bee activist. As a beekeeper, he is trying to set up as many hives as possible in London. For this, Brian founded a company in 2006 called Urban Bees and he offers courses in beekeeping and classes for companies. Before he turned his passion into a business, Brian was a university geography professor. H worked in the world of advertising and was a sailing enthusiast who spent many nights holding onto yacht riggings on the Atlantic Ocean. He has a B.S. in geography and environmental studies from the University of Surrey. He lives in Battersea with his wife Alison and their bees.