Honey Bees-Urban-Beekeepes-NYC047.tif

,A hive of Ron Breland's design with his students. In 2000, after losing half his hives, Ron starting creating five-sided hives, for him closer to the natural habitat of bees.
©Eric Tourneret
London, diversity, color picture, photography, honey bee, honeybee, apis NYC, New York, urban beekeeping, hive, garden, apis, beekeeping, apiculture, animal, colony, insect, multiple animals, beehive, wax, pure wax, diversity, nectar, pollen, pollination, italian honeybee, honey, nature, city, urban agricultute, urban garden, green, rooftop beekeeping, Photos stock, The bee photographer, Eric Tourneret, beekeeping, apiculture, beehive, apis mellifera, Urban hives