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Camilla Goddart, 38 years old, posing in front of her first hive in the garden of St Peters Church in Brocley where she started 8 years ago. Since, this graphic designer by training created a company, "Capital Bee", that sells honey in the markets or in shops and cafÈs like Broca Market, Brockley, The Frog on the Green Deli in Nunhead, Cafe Crema in New Cross and El's Kitchen in Ladywell.<br />
"I go through various obsessions, when I was young it was growing tropical fruit, when I was at Cambridge it was English Literature, then art, then japanese woodcuts, then extraordinary victorian copper jellymoulds for puddings at banquets, then herbs and their uses, then decorative vegetable gardens and making potagers, then antique african masks, though in the end keeping bees has proved to be the most enduring as they are so complex and are teaching me all the time about their mysterious world.  I even look after nests of bumblebees now in wooden boxes in the apiary they are terrific characters, people get them mixed up with bees and sometimes want them removed, though it is always best to leave them alone ideally as they rarely do any harm ª