Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy010.tif

In the early morning following a stormy night that has made the temperatures drop, the women of the camp sing in unison to warm themselves. A moment of sharing in which smiles and good humour win out over the cold and damp of the night. ///Au petit matin, après une nuit d’orage qui a fait chuté température, les femmes du campement chantent en chœur pour se réchauffer. Moment de partage ou les sourires et bonne humeur l’emporte sur le froid et l’humidité de la nuit.
©Eric Tourneret
Honey, honeybee, beekeeping, insect, animal, forest, diversity, sweat, color, honey, picture, Apis mellifera, amazing, apiculture, abeilles, colonies, multitudes, canopy, Congo Brazzaville, Pygmy, people, nation, Nbaka, baka, ethnic group, hunter-gatherers, rainforest, Mbenga, Africa, African rainforest, Congo basin, Congo, slaves, pygmies, deforestation, discrimination, Humain rights, Indigenous peoples, native, nomadic, Forest gardening, foraging, Photos stock, The bee photographer, Eric Tourneret, beekeeping, apiculture, beehives