Honey Bees-Urban-Beekeepes-NYC007.tif

Andrew Coté, 38 years old, beekeeper and English teacher in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and Adam Johnson, 35 years old, associate lawyer in a New York law firm, inspect two hives in an aerial garden of a building on 4th Ave and 13th Street in the East Village of Manhattan. Adam Johnson grew up near Los Angeles in a house with a family garden. Alive to nature since childhood, he is looking to meet other beekeepers in New York and was initiated into apiculture a year ago with Andrew.
©Eric Tourneret
London, diversity, color picture, photography, honey bee, honeybee, apis NYC, New York, urban beekeeping, hive, garden, apis, beekeeping, apiculture, animal, colony, insect, multiple animals, beehive, wax, pure wax, diversity, nectar, pollen, pollination, italian honeybee, honey, nature, city, urban agricultute, urban garden, green, rooftop beekeeping, Photos stock, The bee photographer, Eric Tourneret, beekeeping, apiculture, beehive, apis mellifera, Urban hives