Beekeeping-Log Hives-Story023.TIF

A Hamer woman wears around her neck a necklace called a bigneri that shows her position as first wife in this polygamous society. The necklace is covered in the skins from a couple of dikdik, which symbolize union. The young initiate has to hunt them without having recourse to iron implements or arms. Dikdik leather is sacred. The dikdiks have a reputation for fidelity and loyalty.///Une femme Hamer porte autour de son cou le collier appelé bignéri qui indique sa position de première femme dans cette société polygame. Ce collier est recouvert de la peau d’un couple de dikdiks qui symbolise l’union. Le jeune initié se doit de les chasser sans avoir recours au fer. Le cuir du dikdik est sacré. Les dikdiks ont une réputation de fidélité et de loyauté.
© Eric Tourneret
Beekeeping, Ethiopia, rural, honeybee, honey gatherers, Karo people, Omo valley, Ethiopia, Omo valley, apis mellifera, beekeeping, Karo, honey hunting, honey hunters, hunter, harvest, environment, color picture, image, travel, ethiopia, apiary, culture, dam project, Omo river, agropastoralism, tribe, african honeybee, acacias honey, agriculture, food, tribe, hive cart, Photos stock, The bee photographer, Eric Tourneret, beekeeping, apiculture, beehive, apis mellifera