Honey Bees-Hunt-Pygmy014.tif

Portrait of a woman at the camp. The tattoos, the paint and the teeth sharpened to a point are part of the body adornment of the N’Bensele clan.///Portrait d’une femme au campement. Les tatouages, les peintures et les dents limées en pointe des parures corporelles du clan N’Bensélé.
©Eric Tourneret
Honey, honeybee, beekeeping, insect, animal, forest, diversity, sweat, color, honey, picture, Apis mellifera, amazing, apiculture, abeilles, colonies, multitudes, canopy, Congo Brazzaville, Pygmy, people, nation, Nbaka, baka, ethnic group, hunter-gatherers, rainforest, Mbenga, Africa, African rainforest, Congo basin, Congo, slaves, pygmies, deforestation, discrimination, Humain rights, Indigenous peoples, native, nomadic, Forest gardening, foraging, Photos stock, The bee photographer, Eric Tourneret, beekeeping, apiculture, beehives