Honey Bees-Urban-Beekeepes-NYC032.tif

Andrew Coté sets up each week in the green and organic markets in the city of New York at Union Square and in Tompkins Square Park to sell his New York bees’ production and also the honey from his 220 hives in Connecticut.
©Eric Tourneret
London, diversity, color picture, photography, honey bee, honeybee, apis NYC, New York, urban beekeeping, hive, garden, apis, beekeeping, apiculture, animal, colony, insect, multiple animals, beehive, wax, pure wax, diversity, nectar, pollen, pollination, italian honeybee, honey, nature, city, urban agricultute, urban garden, green, rooftop beekeeping, Photos stock, The bee photographer, Eric Tourneret, beekeeping, apiculture, beehive, apis mellifera, Urban hives