
The entrance to a hive of the a stingless bee, Melipona seminigra, is marked by a wide tube made of clay and resin to protect the colony from enemies. For extra security, a dozen bees continuously mount guard around the corolla and inside part of the tube.
©Eric Tourneret
Amazon; river; stinglessbee; diversity; color picture; photography; honey bee; honeybee; hive; zootechnic; Embrapa; scientist; research; Embrapa; beekeeping; apiculture; animal; colony; insect; multiple animals; beehive; wax; pure wax; nature; diversity; nectar; pollen; pollination; nature; melipona bee; development; rural; forest; farmers; biology, Brazil, beehive, Rio Para, Melipona, beehive, small hive, beekeeping, honeybee, beekeeping, honeybee, amazon, biodiversity, apiculture, farmers, development, honeybee, stingless, stingless honeybee, boat, Brazil, river